Today, God willing, I will explain to you in this lesson a dangerous device that you can set up and install yourself can penetrate the points of the wifi, dangerous in this device that it is portable, you can put it in your pocket and then after that and through your phone begins to pick up and penetrate the points of the Wifi near you. As the end of Sabin explain to you how to protect yourself from this kind of attack so do not be an easy victim to him. Just watch the episode below and I also made it easy to get orders, programs and operating system through different links at the bottom of the video so I can not click and share with your friends for more encouragement.
Download Raspberry
Download Rufus
Download etcher
Sudo su
Apt-get update
Apt-get install python-scapy
Git clone
Cd wifiphisher
Sudo python install
Nano / etc / network / interfaces
Usb0 iface usb0 inet static
Address netmask